1. Citrus Aurantium
- Contain synephrine and N-methyltyramine.
- To prevent constipation, gastrointestinal disorders and obesity.
- To stimulate metabolic rate, increase calorie burning.
- 含有辛弗林(synephrine), N- 甲基酪胺(N-methyltyramine).
- 治大便不通, 肠管问题,消积.
- 提升新陈代谢率,燃烧多余脂肪.
2. Garcenia cambogia
- The active ingredient is HCA- hydroxycitric acid.
- Inhibitor of ATP citrate lyase, an enzyme to inhibit fatty acid synthesis.
- Suppress food intake.
- Protective effect on gastric mucosa by decrease the volume & acidity of gastric juice.
- 有效成分是HCA, 中文名叫羟基柠檬酸.
- 它通过抑制脂肪的合成, 促进脂肪酸的燃烧.
- 减少食物 的摄入.
- 可以保护胃降低胃里的酸液, 目前减肥效果最理想、最健康的减肥保健原料.
3. Oligo
- It is food for the beneficial bacterial.
- Help increase the amount of good bacteria in the colon.
- Help in digestion,nutrients absorption and peristalsis, good for skin.
- Soluble fiber helps in controling blood sugar and cholesterol.
- Low calorie for diet keeping.
- 果寡糖是良菌的食物.
- 帮助提升肠道里良菌.
- 帮助消化,营养吸收.
- 是一种水溶性纤维, 可以控制血糖和降低胆固醇.
- 低卡路里.
4. Guarana
Guarana is herb that grows mainly in Brazil. It contains significant amounts of guaranine (one type of caffeine) and has been used for centuries by indigenous tribes to help reduce hunger, relieve fatigue, and treat diarrhea. Guarana able to break down and mobilize fat and use it for energy, makes it a "natural" way for fat loss and suppress appetite. Guarana extracts contain high antioxidants. Guarana extract showed a significant antibacterial effect. Guarana can reduce cellulite as well.
瓜拉那的出产地于巴西. 它含有瓜拉宁(一种咖啡因).瓜拉那被土著们用来减少锇感, 减少疲劳,降低肚泄.瓜拉那可以分解脂肪,转化脂肪为能量,可以天然的燃烧脂肪和降低食欲.瓜拉那含有丰富的抗氧剂.抗氧化剂可以抵抗细菌和减少蜂窝组织.
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