Weight gain occurs when a person consumes more calories than she/he burns.
The more you consume and less you workout to burn,
the calories will turn into fats and store in your body.
The imbalance of in and out occurs soon you will find that yourself are being overweight and very soon the unfavorable result will be exposed in front of everyone. The reason may differ from one person to another. Genetic, environmental, psychological, eating, and lifestyle habits, and other factors all play a part on it. Studies found that weight is significantly relating to various health risk.
Being overweight and obesity not only result to poor outlook impression.
Most importantly it is lead to major health risk such as diabetes, stoke, infertility and other health related chronic diseases and also may cause complications while undergoing medical and surgical operations.
Café is specially formulated for those who wish to control her/his weight and prevent from being overweight.
The main active ingredients of café
Garcinia Cambogia
It has been promoted for weight loss due to various possible effects it may cause the body to use existing fat stores for energy and cause easier elimination of fats from body.
White kidney bean (phase 2)
This extract promotes healthy weight management and healthy weight loss, and is currently the best starch blocking product developed, It can neutralize starch from the carbohydrate foods in your daily diet which is able to “stop starch”
Red yeast rice
It is believed to consume as invigorate the body, aid in digestion, and remove “blood blockages”. Besides, it also used to control the cholesterol level.
Red beet powder
It had formally used as treatment of constipation. It can aid in digestion and prevent the person of getting constipation. It is also high in dietary fiber and antiocidant.
L-Carnitine can unlock the energy stored as fat, allowing you to trim those unsightly bulges, as you enjoy at all the time energy high. It helps in consumption and disposal of fat in body.
It helps in digestion and bowel movement, maintain the blood glucose, lower blood cholesterol level and thus reduce triglycerides in body.
Green tea
It can increase fat oxidation (helps the body use fat as an energy source) and raising metabolism. It also prevents the degradation of cell membranes by neutralizing the spread of free radicals which occur during oxidation process
Fruit enzyme
It helps to speed up the degradation of fats and fasten the process of absorption of nutrients.
Specification 产品规格
20gms x 15 sachets
20克x 15 包
Direction 饮用方法
Mix the content in a glass of cool 200ml plan water. Stir and consume.
Take 1-2 sachets daily before meal.
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Berries is specially designed for those who hope to get a slim and fit body and thereby to stay healthy as well. It special formulated ingredients can help in clearing accumulated fats, burning and breakdown fats immediately, turning fats into energy for body consumption. Besides, it also detoxifies and cleans away the body waste, toxic and water inside the body and increase the body metabolism rate.
CHANCE 常喜“纤果素”是特别为那些想要瘦,并且想要保持身体健康的人开发的,这个特制的配方能够有效的帮助消除体内累积的脂肪,燃烧并分解,再立刻转化为热能,被体内细胞使用,除此之外,也可以排除体内累积的废物,毒素以及多余的水份,提高身体的新陈代谢。
Products’s functions 常喜“纤果素”主要作用
1. 迅速改善便秘、排便不顺及习惯性便秘、宿便。
2. 净化体内自由基、毒素、强化解毒功能几排便机能。
3. 排毒、除油腻、清洁肠道、排出体内垃圾和毒素。
4. 有效调整体质,增强基础代谢,有效控制体重。
5. 改善老化粗糙肌肤,让肌肤恢复光泽弹性。
6. 有效调节酸性体质和失眠问题。
7. 有效预防大肠癌,结肠癌和直肠癌。
8. 对体形肥胖,营养过剩,将军肚,应酬多的人有较好的调节作用。
Products’s functions 常喜“纤果素”产品效果
1. 早晨空腹饮用,用冷开水冲泡饮用,八小时内可感到肠道轻微挪动。肠道干涩者腹部就会有短暂闷痛感,并带有强烈的便秘,此时排便即可排出大量黑块状或片状宿便。
2. 服用二盒后,肠道变得通畅有力,肠道内有益菌群活跃,肠道干净了,口臭也没了,肌肤也变得红润光泽,人的精神倍感轻松。
3. 服用三盒后,腰围变小,体重下降了,身材更加匀称了,身体各项机能恢复正常。
Products’s effects 常喜“纤果素”适应人群
1. 便秘、痔疮、痘痘、色斑、长坐办公室的人群、
2. 将军肚,应酬多,酸性体质的人群。
3. 担心药物减肥,有副作用的人。
4. 服过多种减肥产品,停药后就反弹的人。
5. 试用过各种方法,减肥极不理想的人。