
LE' MASQUE Skin Care / 洁肤系列(所有价格包括邮费)

适合敏感性和一般肌肤一套 RM 118

1) Collagen Cleansing Milk / 胶原蛋白洁面乳 Offer Price RM 22(60 ML)
Use at morning and evening (Normal Price RM 58)

- A mild and gentle ingredients, thoroughly cleanses and unclogs pores while helping to remove the dirt, thickened, outer layer on the skin. 
- Regular use will help reveal a clearer, brighter, rough, devitalized and dull looking skin

- 性质温和,能彻底清洁和收缩毛孔,同时帮助清除污垢,残妆,改善皮肤健康,加速新陈代谢,提高肌肤的抵抗力。

2) Collagen Mask (胶原蛋白软膜)RM 58(60 ML)
1 time per week

For normal to dry skin moisturizing and hydrating, 
highly improves the skin elasticity to give glowing radiance and youthful look.

3)Facial Revive Gel / 焕肤胶 RM 22(30 ML)/
RM 38 (50 ML)
1 or 2 time/s per week

- Gently remove and slough off dead cells, impurities and promote new cellular generation.
Give your skin better oxygenation through microcirculation, better penetration of skin care products.
Smoothing, refining, toning, leaving your skin soft and refreshed, instantly revealing the glowing, vital looking skin.
Suitable for normal, dry, dehydrated pigmented and mature skin types.

用法:洗好脸后取出适量的Revive Gel涂五点在脸上轻轻按摩3~5分钟,
*敏感性/干性肌肤 = 1个星期 1次
*油性/混合性肌肤 = 1个星期 1~2次

4)Rose Water / 玫瑰水 RM 22(30 ML)

- Rosewater is a wonderful all round toner which refines skin pores, calming and refreshes the sensitive skin.
- Suitable for all type of skin, especially for sensitive skin.
- 调理敏感的皮肤,有消红,消肿,镇定皮肤的功效。


适合油性或混合性肌肤 一套RM 38

1)Whitening Cleansing Milk /美白洁面乳  Offer Price RM 22(60 ML)
 (Normal Price RM 58)

Use at morning and evening

- Deep cleasing for all types of skin or pigmentation skin
- Remove dirt, make-up residue and Improve skin whitening process, give elasticity and moisturizing effeck.
- Maintains face moisture, skin PH and give luster.

- 温和的清除面部油垢及残妆,平衡PH值,及时补充皮肤流失的水份和养分。

2)Aloe Vera Face Scrub / 芦荟磨砂膏 RM 22 (30 ML) 
1 or 2 time/s per week

This batanically formulated facial scrub with gentle ingredients, pro-vitamins, plant extracts and natural aloe vera compositions which deeply exfoliate purify, soothe your skin.
Exfoliation clears away dead cells, impurities, congested pores to reveal a younger and glowing skin.
This facial scrub provides a light, non-greasy, non-irritating, soothing effect that balances the skin pH and moisture level.
Suitable to be used on sensitive and all skin types.

*敏感性/干性肌肤 = 1个星期 1次
*油性/混合性肌肤 = 1个星期 1~2次